Christmas Story Interview

Dec 27, 2023

Who would you want to interview from the Christmas story? 

Who would you want to be in the Christmas story?

(Mary, Joseph, Angels, Shepherds, Inn Keeper, Herod, Wise Men, Elizabeth, etc.... ) 


I had the joy of teaching the kid's lesson before Christmas this year at our congregation and I decided to do it as an interview. I had the some of the kids pretend to be characters from the story and others interview them with questions. It was amazing to see what the kids came up with for questions and answers as well as who they choose to be. (one kid even choose to be the donkey- I love kids so much !!) 


We try to make the Bible come to life in our teachings but JESUS literally is the WORD made flesh. He came to earth to literally walk out the WORD for us. Can you imagine Him telling the disciples as they walked how He fulfilled all the prophesies? The WORD is alive! The WORD is living and active. 


As we reflect on Christmas and move into the new year, may the WORD become ALIVE to us in a new way as we engage with JESUS as the WORD in our everyday lives.